Catherine Dell
United Kingdom
At the age of 8 I wanted to take photo's! I see life in pictures, capturing the moments that are so easily missed. I had my first dslr Nikon and would get through rolls of old films! I am now 37 and photography plays a daily role in my life, whether it be capturing the water drop on the washing line or making memories with my daughter ! I like to have a go at anything, whatever my camera eye sees at the time! In addition to my full time job I run my little photography business whereby I do a lot of portrait & wedding work. Clicking that shutter down makes me happy and if my pictures can inspire another then thats amazing!
Creative Content
Girl walking in a public park #135026
Two girls running in a publ... #135023
Boy on a climbing frame pre... #135020
Two girls sitting on their ... #135017
Girl hanging on a swing in ... #135016
Smiling girl on a climbing ... #135011
Girl pushing a swing in a p... #135010
Smiling girl on a climbing ... #135009
Girl running in a public park #135007
Close-up of a girl with mud... #135006
Girl running in a public park #135005
Girl standing on a wooden b... #135004
Girl standing in park holdi... #135003
Girl walking next to a clim... #135002
Close-up of a Girl's legs s... #135001
Girl on a climbing frame in... #135000
Portrait of a smiling girl #134997
Girl playing in a playground #134996
Girl playing in a playground #134995
Boy playing at a playground #134994

Street Content