RooM Trend Reports come freshly produced on a weekly basis: they focus
on the big issues that help define our creative and visual futures.
Our specially tailored Reports cover subjects from business and advertising, to entertainment and the arts and
much more. From the thought provoking to the downright bizarre our researchers will find it, package it and post
it for free – if it’s trending of course.
Each week day, starting Monday, we post through our social media channels, daily teasers on that week’s Trend
Report, then on Friday we package up the whole Report and post it here along with a very useful summary and a
handy downloadable PDF. Enjoy.
Going Local - America
Advertisers love to pack their ads with the references to the country that their target audience lives in. It means that no matter where the product or service comes from, the consumer will instantly relate to the ad’s message.
From Subaru’s wholesome milkshakes to Pacifico beer’s 70’s surfing nostalgia, here are some examples of advertising where America’s cultural, historical and travel icons have been used to great effect.
Subaru’s “The Date” TV ad.

Credit: Agency: Carmichael Lynch Director: Lance Acord
In this cute ad, something as simple as a chocolate milkshake and the softly lit ”wide open spaces” of the rural setting, provides a powerfully strong, if idealized, American look and feel.
These nostaligic elements contrast with the new car and organic style roadside food market to let modern consumers know that they can have the best of the old and the new, if they buy a Subaru.
It’s also a good example of how aspects of your everyday life, can be great commercial subjects for your photography.
Subaru Ad: YouTube
Range Rover’s Pikes Peak TV Ad.

Credits: Agency: RKCR/Y&R, London
In this ad, British car brand Range Rover, use the rugged majesty of the famous Pikes Peak in Colorado, as the backdrop to a TV ad promoting their latest car model.
The combination of slickly edited on-the-road action and stunning scenic shots, makes the most of this beautifu all American landscape and provides a strong link between the British car and it’s American audience. It also goes to show how much of an impact iconic landscape photography can have on consumers.
Range Rover Ad: YouTube
Samsung Galaxy 4’s BBQ TV ad.

Credits: Agency: 72andSunny
Samsung features a great American pastime, the BBQ, as the scene for a TV ad about keeping things simple by using their new phone models “easy mode”.
It’s a deceptively simple ad but that’s the point, Samsung want you to see that this phone is very user friendly and understand that it’s for everyday people who, like you and me, do everyday things, like have bbq’s.
It just goes to show you don’t have to look too hard to find commercial subjects to shoot.
Samsung Ad: YouTube
Pacifico Beer takes us on a time warp.

Credits: GSD&M, Austin, USA
Pacifico beer taps into American surfing history with a TV ad that features American surfers travelling to Baja in the 70’s.
Along with the, always popular, surfing connection,this ad mixes in a super 8 filmic look with vintage VW campervan and retro styling.
This ad is a good example of how an idealized idea of how a life used to be and lots of iconic visuals, can be used to attract modern consumers.
Pacifico AD: You Tube
Honda saves a part of America’s cultural heritage.

Credits: Agency RPA, Santa Monica
Honda cars are using a truly American cultural pastime, the Drive in Movie, as the subject of a film and online public campaign that is desgined to raise awareness about the decline of the drive in and hopefully save a few along the way. Aside from the talking heads, the film has some great real moments featuring authentic family scenes and people with real character, that lend a real weight to the message.
The Drive in movie is embedded in American culture, even if most Americans have never been to one, so trying to preserve the few drive in’s that are left is certainly an important and worthy cause. So far, over $50,000 has been raised and the film has been viewed by over a million people on You Tube. Good news for the drive in and also good news for Honda.
Honda film:

Shooting tips from this weeks trend:
- Iconic subjects for photography don’t have to be complicated, depending on the country a simple idea such as two people sharing milkshake or going for a drive can resonate very deeply with people.
- Images of Iconic landscapes can often say more about a place than pictures of the people that live there.
- Everyday activities are always worth using as subjects for photography because everyone can relate to them.
- Incorporating elements of nostalgia in your imagery can be effective, just make sure your shots also relate to the modern world as well.
- Often a cultural icon is not a physical thing but a shared experience between people. Capturing that, rather than a place or an object is often the best thing to go for.
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