Yes, and when you register with RooM the Agency you'll be able to use all the features of the site which are only available to registered members.
It depends what you're going to be using the image and what kind of licence the image is sold under. Rights Managed images are always supplied in the largest file size available but for Royalty Free images which have multiple sizes at different price points, it's always best to get a larger file size than a smaller one if you're unsure. As a rough guide small files are best for use mobile devices, medium files for web use and larger files for any printed matter.
Our images are produced on different types of cameras and mobile devices so not all images are available in the same sizes. Whilst it is technically possible to upsize images, we do not do so as it affects image quality.
All images have their own specific file sizes so some images may not be available in the resolution you wish. Please note that file size is in Megabytes (MB) and image resolution is in Megapixels (MP).
The cost of an image varies depending on the licence type so it will either be based on what file size you want to buy or exact usage.
We have model and property releases where necessary for all our commercial content but not for any Editorial/Street images as they cannot be used commercially. We do not generally supply releases but in special circumstances we can do so. If you require a large number of releases, a small fee may apply.