Any images that you submit to the marketplace must meet our basic technical standards regarding image resolution and image quality. These are industry standards, created to make sure images can be purchased for as many different uses as possible and to reassure clients that they can use images they select in the way they want to.
The World’s leading stock photography distribution channel
$1.5 billion of sales annually, in 100 countries, through over 1.5 million clients.
Becoming a member of RooM and joining the billion dollar sales club is pretty simple if you know your stuff and shoot highly saleable content. Here’s what you have do to get accepted as a member:
First of all, Sign up.
You will then be asked to upload between 5 and 10 of your most appropriate and saleable images, no fewer, no more.
We will review your images and if you are right for RooM, activate your membership.
We get asked all the time “What type of content sells best?”
Great images of model released people, with flair, verve, a solid message and above all saleability, will certainly get you noticed – and selling. Uploading top quality released people images as part of your initial selection, will not only get you membership at RooM, it may well lead to an Elite upgrade too – this will elevate your royalty rate to 40% from our standard Lite membership, of 35%.

In essence we are looking for more naturally composed and “real” looking content, but ultimately it’s sales that count to us all, so if we think your content will sell well, you'll get offered membership.
We don’t like to dwell on the not so good, but here are some examples of what will NOT get you membership at RooM and distribution through our global network – this is by no means a definitive list of examples of what does not work, but I am sure you get the picture:

Images supplied to RooM, must have a message to make the most money and be flexible in their usage. See What We Want for more insight into the content we are looking for. Take a look at Phone Images too, especially if you are a serious mobile shooter.
Our reviewers have many years experience in photography, we pride ourselves on our selectiveness, so if you don’t get RooM membership, it’s not because you are not good, but more likely you do not fit with our commercial requirements.
If you do get accepted by RooM, well done, you have joined an elite group of global photographers and your content will soon be seen by over a million clients worldwide.
Good luck shooters.